It’s Best for College Football If Andre Williams Wins The Heisman

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6.) It’s different.

For once, we will be able to say someone other than a quarterback and outside of the Top 25 is the most outstanding player of the year.

It’s understandable that a team’s success is pertinent to the resume of a Heisman winner, but having the same ol’ teams from the same ol’ conferences doesn’t appeal to the other programs and conferences. The last time the ACC had a Heisman winner was ironically a Florida State quarterback, Chris Weinke in 2000, who actually threw for more than Winston has this season.

Imagine have Williams step up to the stage representing a conference that hasn’t won a Heisman in 13 years and a program that hasn’t won a Heisman since 1984. That speaks perseverance and given the fact that Williams doesn’t have the supporting cast many of these Heisman front-runners have is a testament to how outstanding he truly is to be in the position he is and accomplish what he has this season.