Boston College at Wake Forest: 5 Big Questions

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1. Was Boston College’s defensive performance last week a fluke?

Speaking of flukes, was it? I’m not sure yet. On the one hand, I did say this last week, several days before the Maryland game:

"Do not be surprised if the Eagles have their best day on defense this season outside of the Maine game. I wouldn’t read much into it, but don’t be surprised if it happens."

On the other hand, I can’t say that I’m sure BC will stink it up this week against Wake Forest. The Deacs are almost as bad as Maryland offensively. When bad offense meets bad defense, bad defense tends to win.

Look, there are still many underlying problems with this defense, and they did not magically go away once BC played Maryland. There’s still a chance that they could manifest themselves this week, but odds are actually against it.

It could be that this defense just plays better against offenses it can handle, which is hardly deep insight but nevertheless true. What we can say without any doubt is that BC’s defense cannot handle better offensive teams. That has been proven and settled. Luckily for them, they’re not playing one this week.