Soaring to Glory Show, Jan. 21, 2015: We’re Back, Baby
By Joe Micik

The radio and social media event of the year is here: the Soaring to Glory Show is back on WVBC radio, live from McElroy Commons at 8pm Eastern.
And boy do we have a lot to discuss.
Soaring to Glory Show, Jan. 21, 2015: Requiem For The Pinstripe Bowl
Remember that game Boston College played way back on December 27? You know, the one you’ve been trying to forget?
We cannot lead off 2015 without addressing the end of the 2014 Boston College football season. So much promise snuffed out in the Bronx, but let’s be honest, it was not the only time. Colorado State, Clemson, and Florida State all say hello. What went right for the Eagles and what went wrong? How will Boston College Eagles history recall the 2014 Pinstripe Bowl, and the sesaon?
Soaring to Glory Show, Jan. 21, 2015: BC Hoops Gonna BC Hoops
This basketball team just is not very good. Five ACC losses in a row later, the Eagles are back under .500, perhaps for good if they do not win their next game.
Yesterday, they lost to Syracuse, but that is one of a number of disappointments in how this team has performed. Amongst collapses, poor shooting, and lousy talent, none of it is news to us; it just sucks.
We discuss the level of pain this team causes and why nine out of 10 doctors recommend that you not watch it.
Soaring to Glory Show, Jan. 21, 2015: BC Hockey on the Brink
Boston College Eagles
We thought Boston College hockey was turning it around. After all, they beat Boston University on Friday night. Then they had to go lose to Maine on Sunday.
During the show, Boston College will be playing Merrimack in a big Hockey East game. We will funnel you updates as the situation warrants and (over)react to the happenings in the contest.
Soaring to Glory Show, Jan. 21, 2015: Listen and Socialize
This will be a multi-platform show. Listen to the show at this link:
Follow us on Twitter @soaringtoglory.
Look for Instagram photos from show on our page.
Follow up on Facebook as well, because it’s there.
The most important part of this is that you listen to the show. Join us at 8pm, won’t you?