Boston College vs. Penn State: The Game Thread
By Joe Micik

Live at 4:30pm Eastern, it’s Boston College vs. Penn State in the 2014 Pinstripe Bowl. How long we have waited for this moment.
The answer to the rhetorical question that nobody asked from the previous sentence is about three weeks. Nevertheless, the game is here and Boston College fans are descending on the Bronx at this very moment.
The editor of Soaring to Glory is amongst them, and some multi-platform social media coverage is about to come your way live from the Pinstripe Bowl. Details on the specific platforms is below. I will be joining loyal Flynn Fund donor @eagle98alum and thousands of other fans at the game, and there will be plenty to share with one another.
Though the Eagles eventually want bigger bowl games, it is for these moments that you prepare all season. The Eagles will be ready.
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The Soaring to Glory live Twitter feed, which will be manned today at the game and after the game, is available for viewing just below. Reports will be flying in from the Metro North on the way down, Yankee Stadium, and on the way back.
Soaring to Glory will have two members of staff in the Boogie Down. To interact with the STG crew or your fellow Eagles fans during the game, tweet at us or comment below. If necessary, start a Twitter account, and then do it; it’s not hard.
Feel free also to share your pictures at the game with us on the game thread and/or on Twitter, and we will retweet our favorites.
Boston College vs. Penn State: Twitter Game Thread
Boston College Eagles
Boston College vs. Penn State: Instagram
We will be sharing Instagram photos from the game periodically during the tailgate and game.
Boston College vs. Penn State: Facebook
If Facebook is your thing, be sure to also follow us there.
If any of the above functions should not actually function, please click on the appropriate links to catch up with what we’re saying and seeing during the game.