Images of Christmas at Boston College
By Joe Micik
Not that anybody but the Jesuits actually spend Christmas at Boston College, but the season is a special time on campus.
Boston College Eagles
Things suddenly start becoming more festive right after Thanksgiving break. Students who have consulted their course syllabi more than just on the first day of class are aware that the end of the semester quickly approaches. Then, the Boston College Christmas tree goes up and a couple wreaths appear outside of O’Neill Library and boom, it’s Christmas at Boston College.
Students find a way to simultaneously balance studying for finals, writing papers, participating in their extracurricular activities, and somehow including Christmas shopping. The ones that did not take a Zipcar to the Target in Watertown had a lot of work left to accomplish once they finished their last finals.
Having spent over a decade of intimate familiarity with the Boston College campus, I can say that it looks good just about any time of year (and Christmas or not, my postulate that Gasson photographs well from anywhere on campus holds). Yet, during the holiday season, things take on a slightly different dimension.
The Boston College Office of News and Public Affairs, who evidently have a fancy new Drone, put out a short video last week which should get all Eagles alumni in the spirit (if, somehow, they are not already considering it is Christmas Day).
Some of the most identifiable locations featured on the video are Gasson Hall, the centerpiece of the campus, the Higgins Atrium, the Christmas tree in O’Neill Plaza, Trinity Chapel on Newton Campus, and St. Mary’s Chapel.
Apropos of nothing, but if the Boston College Bookstore sold maroon and gold Christmas lights, I would buy them. Unless they were 20 bucks a box, then I would not.
Merry Christmas, everybody.