Eagles Football: 2014 Boston College Defensive Line Preview
By Joe Micik

Mark L. Baer-USA TODAY Sports
2014 Boston College Defensive Line Preview: All The Rest
Our Preview: Joe Vitiello, DL
Our Preview: Noa Merritt, DL
Introducing: Jack Kenny, DL
Our Preview: Austin Stevens, DL
Our Preview: Kevin Cohee, DL
Save for injuries wreaking havoc on what is already an unclear defensive line, most of these young men listed above are going to don the theoretical redshirt.
It is difficult to say who from this tier of players could be called upon first if the situation arises, but it is not out of the question that players like Merritt and/or Vitiello could see the field this season. Merritt in particular has the size advantage here: at 268, he’s not bad for a defensive tackle right now, but playing the position is much more complicated than how much one makes the scale move.
All five of the above are freshmen so it would not be the worst thing in the world for them to get the year to bulk up and learn the college game. Should any make the two-deep, expect that they would contribute on a limited basis unless it happens that their performance is so stellar that the coaches can’t afford to bench them.