Soaring to Glory Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge
By Joe Micik

All three members of the Soaring to Glory staff have taken the “Ice Bucket Challenge” for a good cause.
The Ice Bucket Challenge is a phenomenon with roots very close to us at Boston College, as it started to support awareness and raise funds for ALS research in support of Pete Frates and other sufferers. Frates played on the Eagles baseball team during my days on the Heights, and we as a community are willing to do anything we can do help.
Yes, including getting ourselves wet.
Kyle, Andrew, and I were all challenged to make a donation or dump the water. Ideally for most people, actually performing the Ice Bucket Challenge would not preclude them from also donating.
Before continuing, this is an important cause and it is crucial that those who have the means to do so continue to donate, or at the very least do their part to raise awareness of the disease. Fortunately, this has ended up going viral and support for ALS research is booming. If you would like to help keep this going, please visit and donate or grab a bucket and a camera.
All of us at Soaring to Glory made our nominations, and our nominations have in turn been met. Kyle dumped the bucket and Andrew made the donation. As for this site’s editor, yours truly, the photographic evidence is enclosed forthwith:
It is certainly an unconventional activity, but it is also for a good cause and that cannot be forgotten. Please, do your part to help.