Happy Fourth of July, Boston College
By Joe Micik

Happy Fourth of July, people of the Boston College community.
King George III was no friend to American colonial rebels — what with the whole being taxed and wanting representation thing — and so, brave men risked their lives and the lives of their families to evict the crown from the Thirteen Colonies.
Of course, America was far from winning its war of independence on the Fourth of July in 1776, and the resolution to adopt the Declaration of Independence was actually passed two days earlier on July 2, 1776.
Nevertheless, this is a day to celebrate country. This is a day to celebrate freedom, including the freedom we have to be proud Boston College Eagles and Americans. (I say this in acknowledgement that some of our Eagles are not American, and some may technically be subjects of the British Crown, in which case we say sorry not sorry for the independence, but at least we were on the same side in the World Wars. Pip pip cheerio and all that.)
Wherever you are, have a beer, revel in the terrific gluttony on display at Coney Island at noon, wave an American flag, and continue to prepare yourselves for the coming of Boston College football season in less than two months.
If you would choose to take this opportunity to increase your knowledge, Boston College has a means by which you may do so. The Sacred Heart Review, a local Catholic newspaper which predates even The Heights, published a story roughly 102 years ago last week, which retells a Jesuit-themed story from July 4, 1648.
Again, happy Fourth of July to all.