#NSD 2014: Oseh Saine Signs Letter of Intent for Boston College Football
By Kyle Egan

Defensive tackle Oseh Saine officially signed a national letter of intent to play Boston College Eagles football in 2014 Wednesday, National Signing Day.
Saine verbally committed to Boston College on National Signing Day via Twitter and obviously signed on with Head Coach Steve Addazio’s program on the same day. He is the 29th recruit to jump on board the Chestnut Hill bandwagon.
Saine is a local kid from the Worcester Academy in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was attending the school to boost his grades after graduating from high school in 2013.
Saine doesn’t seem to be rated by anyone but the Boston College coaching staff definitely sees something special in him and you have to trust their opinion. Plus, Boston College needed a defensive tackle.
Oseh Saine can be found on Twitter at his handle @Oseh11.
The Boston College community welcomes Oseh Saine to the Heights.