Soaring Rhetoric: The Soaring to Glory 2012-13 Season Finale
By Joe Micik

Joe: I think Bates does care about Boston College sports in general and I’m not second-guessing a decision that we don’t know if he’ll make yet. What I can say is that between WZBC play-by-play and Soaring to Glory, I’ve been covering this baseball team for about six years. They are by miles and miles the worst I’ve ever seen them. In spite of that, I will say again that Gambino is NOT the only problem. Facilities, climate, assistants, recruiting — all of these are issues. Still, I don’t think another assistant will make a difference, and a team that hits .209 won’t suddenly become ACC caliber overnight. It’s nice that Gambino’s a BC guy and all that but this program has been godawful under his leadership since day one and I can’t picture him turning this thing around. Baseball needs to be rebuilt from scratch.
Bates made the changes where they were most obviously needed (football), so I suppose that will have to do for now.
Kyle: Can’t fight you on that assessment. Then again, weirder things have happened (Whitney stayed on NBC for two seasons).
Joe: I’ll cut NBC some slack for two seasons of Whitney when Comedy Central thought Carlos Mencia was funny and paycheck-worthy for four.
Alright, time to bring this thing on home. School’s out, sad to say for most current students. Summer vacation plans?
Kyle: I needed summer. As much fun as Boston College is during the year, if I had to read another page of a school-assigned book I might have gone crazy. Then again, I did read RA Dickey’s entire book on Sunday, so maybe I just needed a change of setting to pick up a book.
But in terms of summer plans, first, I am planning to get my driver’s license. Yes I know I’m late! I have a late birthday and I worked at a sleep-away summer camp for the past three summers.
Then, starting June 3, I have a 9-5 internship during the week in the city doing public relations for a media outlet. I am currently working on making a 5-10 minute PowerPoint to express myself at the internship orientation. I consider it wasted work time.
Joe: As for me, I’ll be missing my 5-year BC reunion to move to Boston; the new Soaring to Glory world headquarters will be within a 15-minute drive of campus. I’d invite you for a STG Beer Summit, but you’re too young — we wouldn’t want to expose underage college students to alcohol, now would we. You can have Sprite.
I’m looking forward to meeting all of the Boston-area alums and crashing your tailgates for years to come.