Maryland at Boston College: 5 Big Questions with Terrapin Station
By Joe Micik

3. With quarterback Perry Hills out for the remainder of the season, what can you tell us about Devin Burns and/or Caleb Rowe, and what can we expect from them on Saturday?
TS: Here is all you really need to know about Devin Burns and Caleb Rowe: Devin can run, and Caleb can throw. It’s as simple as that. If Boston College goes up against Devin Burns, given how badly they did against the option attack last week, the whole game could be long, arduous, and one you turn off early. The Terrapins would likely employ an incredibly similar offense were Burns to get the nod, because he really can’t throw all that well. Seriously, he struggled to hit wide receivers….on screen passes. Nonetheless he is faster than anyone on defense, and a good portion of the guys on offense as well, considering he used to be a wide receiver. He gets through holes better than most running backs do, and N.C. State was pretty overwhelmed by him.
Rowe, on the other hand, is actually a pretty good passer whom the Terrapins were hoping to have redshirt the entire season. Unfortunately, a 60 yard drive that ended in a last second field goal miss wiped those hopes out. Rowe reminds you a bit of former Terrapin quarterback Danny O’Brien in that he is skinny but has a pretty solid arm. The difference is that Rowe is actually somewhat speedy on the ground. Not Burns speedy, but quick enough to elude pressure. Will he get the start? Maybe not, strictly because Boston College has been less than stellar at stopping the run.