Maryland at Boston College: 5 Big Questions with Terrapin Station
By Joe Micik

4. And how about Randy Edsall? After his disastrous first year, has the coach begun to win back the fans in College Park?
TS: No one really knows what to think of Randy Edsall in College Park. We are still wary of him after his opening 2-10 debacle of last season, and the fact that he caused half the roster to transfer. A lot of mending has to be done to fix the relationship that he himself decided to strain because of strict rules and an unwillingness to bend. He also blamed a Maryland legend in Ralph Friedgen for last season’s problems, and told us to be patient, which rubbed a few people the wrong way.
So you will have to forgive us Terp fans for still being wary of a guy who lost his starting quarterback (Danny O’Brien to transfer), his backup quarterback (C.J. Brown to injury), and his backup backup true freshman quarterback (Hills to injury) all in the same season. Edsall does have his team prepared every week, and without a last-second missed kick by Brad Craddock (who is NOT Steve Aponavicius), the Terrapins are still first in the ACC. The offense has been sporadic, but that is to be expected with the injuries that he has been dealt. At the very least, Edsall bought himself one more season of mediocrity. Actually, he has as many seasons as his contract stipulates since we’re too broke to afford anyone else (Thanks Debbie Yow!)