Ice Jam 2011 with Steve Levy: Tonight!


This is a friendly reminder that the 2011 Ice Jam is tonight at Conte Forum at 7:30pm. Admission is free. Prizes will be given out, you’ll see our fun winter sports teams, you’ll bask in the presence of Jerry York, and most importantly, you’ll be entertained while showing school spirit at the same time.

School spirit is a major point of emphasis for me and has been ever since the days when I was on BC radio lamenting the lack of student involvement in our teams. All four of these teams are trying to (or already have, in men’s hockey’s case) build a culture of winning and get students to the games. These men and women represent your school, so come out to Conte tonight and have some fun.

If you’re on campus, you’re going. If you’re a big BC fan and live nearby, provided you’re not working, you’re going. If you want to make me proud while I sit in another state and tend to family issues, you’re going. I live three and a half hours away on a good day, and if I wasn’t already committed to helping my father in his recovery from major surgery, I’d be there. If you’re a five-minute walk from Conte, you have no excuse. Yeah, the weather stinks, but in the scheme of things, it’s only a minor inconvenience.

Have fun, folks.