Ice Jam 2011, Hosted by Steve Levy: October 27


The title of the article is all the relevant information you need, aside from the location (Conte Forum) and time (7:30pm).

One week from tonight, Boston College will open up the doors to Conte Forum once again for the 2nd Annual Ice Jam, a glorified pep rally and quasi-Midnight Madness sort of event which will feature both BC basketball teams and both hockey teams. Like last year, the floor will be half-ice and half-court.

Last year’s Ice Jam was hosted by sportscaster Bob Costas; this year’s will be hosted by ESPN anchor Steve Levy. There is no word yet on the musical guest, if there is to be one, but honestly, how can anyone top Vanilla Ice? Why even try?

Some more from the BC release:

• Free admission (open to the public)
• 1500 free t-shirts to be given out
• Wear a Halloween costume – the best costume will win $1000
• One student will have a chance to win their tuition (and if you’ve seen your parents’ bills lately, I think you owe it to them to go)

These teams are all deserving of your support. It starts at 7:30 and should wrap up after a few hours; you can pry yourselves away from Thirsty Thursday beer pong at the Mods until 10, or your homework if you’re not the partying type.  Fear not, Late Night will still be open when it’s over, so you won’t miss out on your chicken fingers, either.

I’m calling on the BC students who read this site and all other fine BC blogs to spread the word amongst your friends and readers. Get a group of Superfan shirt-clad students going; there’s potentially something in it for you and it’ll be fun, I promise.  Bostonians and local alums, you’re on notice, too.  If it weren’t for immediate family health-related issues, I’d definitely have made the trip from New York, so you all will have to make it a fun night.  I’m counting on you folks.