Massachusetts at Boston College: Bottom line and pick


It’s been another difficult week for Boston College football fans and players, dealing with the shame of being 0-3 and being forced to hope they won’t suffer the ultimate embarrassment of losing to an FCS school at home for the first time in a long time.

Fortunately, I don’t believe that will happen.

While I don’t know if the Eagles are capable of getting out of their own way, I do know that they’re horribly coached, the team is young and lacks depth, and that they are, in fact, a better team than UMass. They should win.

Now, you’re probably thinking, well they SHOULD have won against Duke, shouldn’t they? Yes, but this is different. Duke, basketball school though they are, is still an ACC football school just like us. UMass is in a completely lower level of play, even though they’re a Division I program as well. It’s one thing to lose to a bad team in your own conference, and quite another to lose to one in a different subdivision.

I am going to pick Boston College to win, irrespective of how reluctant I may feel about it. After all, I’ve picked them two out of these three games, and they’ve lost them all. With that said, do I think the Eagles CAN lose this game? Yes, I do. UMass may be in FCS, but stranger things have happened, and let’s be honest, the Eagles are playing so badly right now that you can almost kind of see it coming. Logically, however, I can’t pick against them. They might not get in the win column again this season, so enjoy it.

If you’re looking for a score prediction, I’m thinking something that screams “Our offense sucks” but also clearly indicates a divide in talent between FBS-AQ and FCS teams. Let’s go with 24-14.

All the Eagle world will rejoice when BC turns aside football powerhouse UMass tomorrow.