Eagles lose to Dartmouth; rained out for 5th time


The Boston College baseball team’s game against the University of Massachusetts has been postponed due to an abundance of liquid precipitation falling from the sky. This is the fifth time they have been rained out, and the eighth game altered in some fashion by weather so far this season (the other three games were the ones moved to Rhode Island).

How about those Eagles, though. Yesterday, they had a 10-5 lead against Dartmouth in the bottom of the 7th inning, but proceeded to give up 10 runs over their last two innings pitched to seal a 15-10 defeat. That’s a pretty good way to make people forget about winning a road series over Duke.

BC baseball has been nothing if not consistently inconsistent. They’re a win-one, lose-one, win-three, lose-five kind of bunch, and that’s probably all they’re going to be this year. Speaking of losing streaks waiting to happen, let’s not even talk about those Georgia Tech and Virginia series coming up just yet.

The hitting has improved, but true to form, the pitching has declined. Not being able to put it all together is the trademark of Boston College teams who don’t compete on ice or in a boat. The Eagles now hit .277 as a team, up 32 points from just eight games ago, and team OPS is up to .738, up 52 points in the same period.

Team ERA, however, has also gone up. Through 22 games, they had a 4.73 ERA. Through 30 games, it’s 5.67. BC has added almost a full run allowed in just a handful of games. They’ve allowed 67 runs in the past eight games, and three of those eight have seen the Eagles give up ten or more runs. Even more astoundingly, they have given up 109 hits over that stretch, which averages out to over 13 per game.

With regards to the rest of the season, to quote our football head coach, “this could get ugly.”