Boston College’s Sports Weekend from Hell


Sports weekends on the Heights don’t get much worse than the one we just had. All of our teams in action lost, and all of our former BC guys except BJ Raji took one on the chin. The net result is a very forgettable weekend; here’s how the Eagles ran the table of suck:

BC basketball blows winnable game in Miami; Reggie Jackson injured. A real two-fer. Not only did BC lose this incredibly frustrating game in which they had a second-half lead, but on the final meaningless shot of the game, star player Reggie Jackson rolled his ankle. He hopes to play against Virginia on Wednesday, but sometimes what players hope and what the team doctors recommend are two different things.

Another BC basketball team gags in Miami. The BC women lost a game in Miami, 65-53, which they led at halftime on Sunday. You thought the men’s turnovers were bad? Our women’s team committed 31 (thirty-one; not a typo). Eight of the nine ladies who got playing time turned it over.

Both “BC Matts” check out of the NFL playoffs. The Seahawks game was ugly, but the Falcons game was uglier. Matt Hasselbeck had a nice game statistically, putting together a QB rating of 94.3, but his team could not get the job done. Neither could Matt Ryan’s – yeesh. The best quarterback in my time at Boston College threw only nine incompletions against Green Bay, but two were interceptions, and one of those was a back-breaking pick-six before halftime.

Men’s hockey loses to Maine, 4-1. BC was seemingly out of this one from the start, and senior goalie John Muse was lifted.

Women’s hockey shut out by BU. But they beat Northeastern!