Another year, another loss to Harvard


And this one, like the others, will probably do severe damage to the Eagles’ reputation, both now and in March.

The Harvard Crimson again stuck it to the Boston College Eagles, this time by a score of 78-69.  Who needs Jeremy Lin when you have Laurent Rivard, scoring over 20 points off the bench to lead the team?

As for the Eagles, not much doing there.  They led by 9 in the first half, but at about the halfway point, the offense shut off and the sloppiness turned on, and Harvard crept up, passed them, and never looked back.  The Eagles had no answers for Harvard, but Harvard always had an answer for the Eagles.  The Crimson played hard, the Eagles played tense, as if they were mindful that they had lost to this team twice before.  The end result is another disaster.

Speaking of disasters, this is the type of loss that could send BC’s season down the tubes.  They’ve now lost two out of three heading into conference play and have two Ivy League losses stapled to their resume.  One Ivy League loss can be overlooked, but two cannot.  Barring some incredible turn of events for the Eagles, 20 or even 21 wins might not get them in the NCAA Tournament, should they even win that many (and based off of tonight, the chances are less promising).  In fact, we shouldn’t even be discussing the tournament now, because Boston College’s resume is tarnished to the point where it may be unsalvageable.  Two of the Eagles’ four losses are absolutely terrible, one is so-so, and the other is acceptable.  You can’t win a date to the dance early in the season, but you sure can lose one.  Even in the expanded field, BC hasn’t just shot themselves in the foot, they’ve bazooka’d themselves in the foot.

Is BC’s season all but over?  Time will tell, but whatever credibility BC had earned is completely gone, and Harvard will remain in their heads for another year.