ND 31, BC 13: Postgame post-mortem


That was an absolute crime against humanity; let me count the ways:

*The defense gets torched for 21 points off the bat and special teams proved themselves to be largely useless (aside from Quigley and Freese). That big of a hole was too much for them to get out of.

*Chase Rettig was starting to look OK, but then, he gets injured and leaves for the rest of the game.  For all we know, it could be longer than that. When he was in there, I sensed a certain level of confidence and football IQ. I did not get that from his replacement, Mike Marscovetra. Well, he stunk out loud, and his receivers couldn’t catch anything, anyway. He is not an FBS quarterback.

*On a broader scale, BC’s offense sucks, and is the worst BC offense I’ve ever seen. These guys make me pine for the days of Quinton Porter and Paul Peterson. Gary Tranquill should resume his retirement at Del Boca Vista immediately: his unit made one of the worst statistical defenses in the country look pretty damn good. Further, this offensive line is absolutely awful. I don’t think these guys could block Dr. Ruth.

*The running game got absolutely nothing going tonight. Montel also looks like he isn’t headed for a good year, which is quite a shame given all of the preseason hype following a very good 2009. His line isn’t helping him out at all.

*On an even broader scale, this team’s coaching sucks. Spaziani has no discernable guts that I can see, and his team was woefully unprepared for this game. Wasting time at the end of the half and then punting – just like punting at the end of the game last week – is a sign that you’ve quit or that you just don’t know what the hell you’re doing. He should not be this team’s head coach.

*The refs were totally in Notre Dame’s back pocket. BC had at least five or six bullshit calls go against them, including two phantom pass interferences.

*I understand that there are still 8 games, and Rettig could come back and salvage things (if his injury doesn’t prevent him from doing so), but BC looks like a team headed for mediocrity this season. The Atlantic is improved – how the hell are we going to make any headway against these other teams when our offense can’t even get first downs? You can pretty much forget about contending in this division; I think the last two games have proven that it’s not happening this year. This is now FOUR unimpressive performances in four games (unless you call so-so wins over Weber State and Kent State “impressive”). If BC played real teams in those first two games, they’re probably 0-4 or 1-3 right now.  With Marscovetra and/or Shinskie at the helm, I don’t think we’re looking at more than 5 or 6 wins total.

*BC hockey drops the puck on the exhibition season tomorrow. It may be time to start focusing your efforts there.  At least you KNOW that team has a shot.