Reminder: The Andrew C. Marsh Fund Golf Tournament this week
By Joe Micik
Just a friendly reminder to Soaring to Glory readers, Boston College students and alumni, and friends of the program that an event we’ve been promoting for the last five and a half months, the Andrew C. Marsh Fund Golf Tournament, is just days away. If you won’t be lucky enough to join the BC Interruption folk in Old Orchard Beach, Maine this Thursday (as I unfortunately won’t), you’ll be missing out for sure. This event is not merely a golf tournament; it also includes a cocktail hour (if I were going, knowing what my score would probably be, I’d need a few cocktails afterward), silent auction, and dinner dance. All proceeds will benefit the aforementioned fund, which will foster educational scholarships to schools including Boston College and promote cancer awareness, education, and research.
Mr. Marsh was a close friend of the BCI writers and a Boston College alumnus who passed away in 2009. When tragedy strikes the BC community, we must all come together and do the right thing. This is far more important than any festering quarterback controversies or season previews I could write up right now. If you can make it up to Maine, you’ll be welcomed by Brian, Jeff, and all attending. If not, you can still donate to this worthy cause by following the BCI link above.